Menu location |
Part → Join → Cutout for Object |
Workbenches |
Part |
Default shortcut |
None |
Introduced in version |
0.16 |
See also |
Part JoinConnect, Part JoinEmbed, Part Boolean, Part Thickness |
Coutout tool creates a cutout in a walled object (e.g., a pipe) to fit another walled object.
The Part JoinCutout tool creates a cutout in a walled object (e.g. a pipe) to fit another walled object.
Algoritmii din spatele instrumentelor de conectare sunt destul de simple, iar înțelegerea acestora este importantă pentru utilizarea corectă a instrumentelor.
1. Base object is boolean-cut with Tool object. The resulting shape is a set (compound) of non-intersecting solids (typically, two).
2. The resulting compound is filtered: only the largest solid is kept.
3. If Refine property is true, the resulting shape is refined.
Instrumentul Join poate fi utilizat în macros și de la consola python utilizând umătoarea funcție:
JoinFeatures.makePartJoinFeature(name = 'Cutout', mode = 'Cutout')
import JoinFeatures
j = JoinFeatures.makePartJoinFeature(name = 'Cutout', mode = 'Cutout' )
j.Base = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()[0]
j.Tool = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()[1]
Instrumentul propriu-zis este implementat în Python, vezi /Mod/Part/JoinFeatures.py unde este instalat FreeCAD.